Monday, December 31, 2012


Cupcakes these days they are a trend, simple, cute and sassy most of all hard to get matter what you mix them with they just turn out to be so gorgeously delicious :)

One of the most liberating and exhilarating things that I’ve come to figure out during the past few months as a cup caker is that InSpIrATiOn is everywhere– people, family, magazines, webs, books, clothes, TV, stationery, wrapping papers, colors etc…
 I'm also captivated in pretty in pink-purple (I made that up :),  on flowers (viz., lavenders, tulips, daisies, orchids etc);  Martha Stewart's stuff, love love her designs. I thought they’re clean, fresh and mild. Baking stores and shops - I could stay all day long just shopping for my cupcake stuff be it liners, boxes, papers, balloons, candies, sprinkles, pear sprinkles etc. 
Anyways, I hope you will enjoy my cup caking. Would love for you to keep dropping by to chat or say hellow or heller :)  Don't forget to click older posts as well.  I have some of my good cupcakes and recipes posted earlier.  For daily consumption, I recommend one cupcake only.